Inter-relationship of Periodontal Disease with General Health


The concept of periodontal disease as a local entity affecting only the teeth and supporting tissue is increasingly being questioned. Recent medical studies have shown that people with periodontal disease are:

INTELIDENT | Clinica stomatologica


  • Four times more likely to suffer from coronary heart disease
  • One to two times more likely to suffer a fatal heart attack
  • Nearly three times more likely to suffer a stroke
  • Run the risk of contracting infective Endocarditis if they have a heart valve alignment
  • If diabetic, more likely to experience difficulty in controlling their blood sugar levels
  • Increase a woman's risk of having pre-term low birth weight babies
  • Cause some stomach ulcers
  • Increase the risk of pneumonia
  • Pose a serious threat to people whose health is compromised by respiratory disease, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis


In summary, infections in your mouth can play havoc in the body.

When we do a periodontal evaluation we have your overall health as well as your dental health in mind. So if you value your overall health and the health of your loved ones, regular visits to our clinic for professional cleaning represents a very good idea.


Research suggests the bacteria that cause gum disease can pass through the saliva. This means that the common contact of saliva between people and especially families puts children and couples at risk for contracting gum disease from another person or family member.
That is why if one member of the family has gum disease we recommend that the entire family be screened for evidence of gum disease. This way you either prevent the disease from being passed on to your loved ones or successfully treat the disease if present.